体験版:Hapa School-Winter2022-

「Hapa School-Winter2022-」SAMPLE

Exercise of the day

1. In season

直訳で「季節中」となるこの表現は、果物や野菜、魚介類などが食べ頃であることを表し、「旬」や「季節の食べ物」を意味します。例えば、「旬の果物は何ですか?」と聞く場合は“What fruits are in season?”、「カニが食べごろです」は“Crabs are in season.”という具合に表現します。ちなみに、「季節外れの」は“out of season”と表します。


  • 食べ物 + in season


  • What fruits are in season?(旬の果物は何ですか?)
  • Crabs are in season.(カニが食べごろです)


  • seasonal food

2. Whip up

“whip up”は料理を手早く作ることを意味し、日本語の「パパッと作る」に相当します。特に家にあるもので何かを手早く作るニュアンスがあり、例えば、お腹を空かせている友達に「何かパパッと作るね」と言う場合は“I’ll whip up something for you.”と表現します。“whip up ~”は“whip ~ up”のように2語に分けて使うこともでき、“I’ll whip something up for you.”と表現してもOKです。



  • Whip up ~ / Whip ~ up


  • I’ll whip up something for you.(何かパパッと作るよ)
  • I’ll whip something up for you.(何かパパッと作るよ)


  • cook or prepare quickly
Let’s Practice


  1. 今が旬の野菜は何ですか?
  2. 日本では今、牡蠣が旬です。
  3. キャベツがもうすぐ旬を迎えます。
  4. 冬が旬の魚はなんですか?
  5. 椎茸は秋まで旬を迎えません。
  6. チャチャッとBLTサンドを作るよ。
  7. お腹が空いているなら、何かパパッと作ってあげるよ。
  8. 彼女は(私たちに)ササッと美味しいランチを作ってくれました。
  9. 昨日の残り物で何かチャチャッと作るよ。
  10. 外食する代わりに、あるものでパパッと食事を作りましょう。
  • 1. What vegetables are in season now?
  • 2. Oysters are in season in Japan now.
  • 3. Cabbage will be in season soon.
  • 4. What kind of fish are in season during the winter?
  • 5. Shiitake mushrooms won’t be in season until fall.
  • 6. I’ll whip up a B.L.T. sandwich.
  • 7. If you’re hungry, I can whip up something for you.
  • 8. She whipped up a delicious lunch for us.
  • 9. I’ll whip something up with the leftovers from yesterday.
  • 10. Instead of eating out, let’s whip up a meal with what we have.
Expressions 1-day1-c.mp3
  • B.L.T.・・・ベーコン、レタス、トマト
  • Delicious・・・美味しい
  • Leftovers・・・残り物
  • What we have・・・あるもので
Pronunciation Tip 1-day1-d.mp3
  • Vegetables → vehj / tah / bos
  • Cabbage → Kya / behj
  • Kind of → kinda
  • Whip up → whi / pahp
  • Instead of → In / steh / dah

Extra Practice: 1. Dictation

Dialog #1

I 1__________ __________ doing a Japanese 2__________ __________ tonight. Aren’t oysters 3__________ __________ right now? We 4__________ __________ an oyster hot pot tonight.


Ohh, that 5__________ __________. Yeah, I’m 6__________ __________ oysters are in season right now. I remember seeing them at the 7__________ __________ the other day. Let’s put 8__________ __________ __________ in it too.

Dialog #2

What should 9__________ __________ for dinner tonight? I’m feeling 10__________ __________ __________ and I don’t really 11__________ __________ __________ anything. Should we just order Uber Eats 12__________ __________?


13__________ __________ we can order Uber Eats, but it’s getting 14__________ __________. By the time the food gets here, it’s 15__________ __________ __________ close to ten. I can just 16__________ __________ __________. How about fried rice and 17__________ __________?


Yeah, 18__________ __________. Let’s do that.

  • 1. feel like
  • 2. hot pot
  • 3. in season
  • 4. should do
  • 5. sounds good
  • 6. pretty sure
  • 7. grocery store
  • 8. tons of veggies
  • 9. we do
  • 10. kind of lazy
  • 11. feel like cooking
  • 12. or something
  • 13. I guess
  • 14. pretty late
  • 15. going to be
  • 16. whip something up
  • 17. miso soup
  • 18. that works

Extra Practice: 2. Translation

Dialog #1

I feel like doing a 1Japanese hot pot tonight. Aren’t oysters in season right now? We should do an oyster hot pot tonight.


Ohh, 2that sounds good. Yeah, 3I’m pretty sure oysters are in season right now. I remember seeing them at the grocery store 4the other day. Let’s put 5tons of 6veggies in it too.

Dialog #2

What should we do for dinner tonight? I’m feeling kind of lazy and I don’t really feel like cooking anything. Should we just order Uber Eats or something?
晩御飯はどうしようか?夕食を作るのは面倒だし、何も作る気がしないんだ。Uber Eatsか何かで注文する?


I guess we can order Uber Eats, but it’s getting pretty late. 7By the time the food gets here, it’s going to be close to ten. I can just whip something up. How about fried rice and miso soup?
Uber Eatsで注文してもいいけど、結構遅くなってきたよ。料理が来る頃には10時近くになっちゃう。何かパパッと作ろうか?チャーハンとお味噌汁はどう?


Yeah, 8that works. Let’s do that.

Expressions 1-day1-f.mp3
  1. Japanese hot pot・・・(日本風の)鍋
  2. That sounds good・・・いいね
  3. I’m pretty sure ~・・・確か〜だと思う
  4. The other day・・・この間、先日
  5. Tons of・・・たっぷり、たくさん
  6. Veggies・・・野菜(Vegetableの略)
  7. By the time・・・〜する頃には
  8. That works・・・それでいいよ、いいね

Extra Practice: 3. Repeating/Shadowing


  1. What vegetables are in season now?
  2. Oysters are in season in Japan now.
  3. Cabbage will be in season soon.
  4. What kind of fish are in season during the winter?
  5. Shiitake mushrooms won’t be in season until fall.
  6. I’ll whip up a B.L.T. sandwich.
  7. If you’re hungry, I can whip up something for you.
  8. She whipped up a delicious lunch for us.
  9. I’ll whip something up with the leftovers from yesterday.
  10. Instead of eating out, let’s whip up a meal with what we have.

Extra Practice: 4. Translate out loud


  1. 日本では今、牡蠣が旬です。
  2. チャチャッとBLTサンドを作るよ。
  3. 今が旬の野菜は何ですか?
  4. 彼女は(私たちに)ササッと美味しいランチを作ってくれました。
  5. キャベツがもうすぐ旬を迎えます。
  6. お腹が空いているなら、何かパパッと作ってあげるよ。
  7. 冬が旬の魚はなんですか?
  8. 昨日の残り物で何かチャチャッと作るよ。
  9. 椎茸は秋まで旬を迎えません。
  10. 外食する代わりに、あるものでパパッと食事を作りましょう。
  • 1. Oysters are in season in Japan now.
  • 2. I’ll whip up a B.L.T. sandwich.
  • 3. What vegetables are in season now?
  • 4. She whipped up a delicious lunch for us.
  • 5. Cabbage will be in season soon.
  • 6. If you’re hungry, I can whip up something for you.
  • 7. What kind of fish are in season during the winter?
  • 8. I’ll whip something up with the leftovers from yesterday.
  • 9. Shiitake mushrooms won’t be in season until fall.
  • 10. Instead of eating out, let’s whip up a meal with what we have.



– In season(旬)
– Whip up(手早く作る)