Exercise of the day
1. In the heart of
直訳で「心の中の〜」となるこの表現は、ある場所の中心地を意味します。この表現は一般的に、“in the heart of the city(都市の中心)”や“in the heart of Tokyo(東京の中心地)”のように、都市や町の中心となる場所を指します。“in the heart of”の後にはcityや具体的な都市名を入れるだけでOKです。例えば、海外旅行中にニューヨークの中心地に滞在していた場合は、“I stayed in the heart of New York.”と言うことができます。
- In the heart of city/town
- In the heart of 都市名
- I stayed in the heart of New York.(ニューヨークの中心地に滞在しました)
- The restaurant is located in the heart of the city.(レストランは街の中心部にあります)
- in the center of ~
2. On the outskirts of ~
“outskirts”は「郊外」を意味し、都市の中心部から離れた大都市圏の外縁部を指します。例えば、東京の場合は八王子や町田などが“outskirts”になり、「八王子は東京の郊外にあります」は“Hachioji is on the outskirts of Tokyo.”という具合に言います。ピンポイントで外縁部に位置している必要はなく、近ければOKです。ちなみに、“suburbs”も「郊外」を意味しますが、外縁部に限らず都心から離れた住宅街を指します。東京都内の場合は三鷹や調布、近隣県の埼玉県や神奈川県などの住宅街が“surburbs”にあたります。
ちなみに、「北外れ」は“northern outskirts”、「南外れ」は”southern outskirts”、「西外れ」は“western outskirts”、「東外れ」は“eastern outskirts”と言います。
- On the outskirts of + 都市名
- Hachioji is on the outskirts of Tokyo.(八王子は東京の郊外にあります)
- I live on the outskirts of Tokyo.(私は東京の郊外に住んでいます)
- on the outer part of ~
Other Useful Expressions 1-day1-b.mp3
- Urban・・・都会
- Rural area・・・田舎
- In the boonies・・・ど田舎
- In the middle of nowhere・・・何もない場所
- In the middle of everything・・・〜のど真ん中
Let’s Practice
- 私が泊まったホテルは、シンガポールの中心部に位置していました。
- パリの中心部で楽しいサイクリングツアーに行きました。
- 東京の中心部には、手頃な価格の宿泊施設がたくさんあります。
- ロンドン郊外に安いホテルを見つけました。
- 嵐山は京都の西の外れに位置する美しいエリアです。
- アテネ近郊で数日間キャンプをしました。
- 1. My hotel was located in the heart of Singapore.
- 2. I went on a fun biking tour in the heart of Paris.
- 3. There is plenty of affordable lodging in the heart of Tokyo.
- 4. I found cheap hotels on the outskirts of London.
- 5. Arashiyama is a beautiful area located on the western outskirts of Kyoto.
- 6. I camped out for a couple of days on the outskirts of Athens.
Expressions 1-day1-d.mp3
Pronunciation Tip 1-day1-e.mp3
Extra Practice: 1. Dictation
Dialog #1

I heard you 1__________ __________ Japan. Where 2__________ __________ live?

Yeah, I was 3__________ __________ for a couple of years. In my first year, I lived in the 4__________ of Ishikawa. I was surrounded by 5__________ __________, and it was literally in the 6__________ __________ __________. I moved out of Ishikawa my 7__________ __________ and found a place in the 8__________ __________ Tokyo. The lifestyle change was like 9__________ __________ __________.
Dialog #2

You 10__________ __________ in New York, right? How was it? Did you survive the 11__________ __________ __________ of the Big Apple?

I studied abroad in 12__________ __________, but my school was actually on the 13__________ __________ New York. I lived a 14__________ __________ away from downtown New York, and the town I was living in was 15__________ __________ __________.
- 1. lived in
- 2. did you
- 3. out there
- 4. countryside
- 5. rice fields
- 6. middle of nowhere
- 7. second year
- 8. heart of
- 9. night and day
- 10. studied abroad
- 11. hustle and bustle
- 12. New York
- 13. outskirts of
- 14. few hours
- 15. in the boonies
Extra Practice: 2. Translation
Dialog #1

I heard you lived in Japan. Where did you live?

Yeah, I was out there for a couple of years. In my first year, I lived in the countryside of Ishikawa. I was 1surrounded by rice fields, and it was 2literally in the middle of nowhere. I 3moved out of Ishikawa my second year and found a place in the heart of Tokyo. The lifestyle change was 4like night and day.
Dialog #2

You studied abroad in New York, right? How was it? Did you survive the 5hustle and bustle of 6the Big Apple?

I studied abroad in New York, but my school was actually on the outskirts of New York. I lived a few hours away from downtown New York, and the town I was living in was in the boonies.
Expressions 1-day1-g.mp3
Extra Practice: 3. Repeating/Shadowing
Natural 1-day1-h.mp3
Fast 1-day1-i.mp3
- My hotel was located in the heart of Singapore.
- I went on a fun biking tour in the heart of Paris.
- There is plenty of affordable lodging in the heart of Tokyo.
- I found cheap hotels on the outskirts of London.
- Arashiyama is a beautiful area located on the western outskirts of Kyoto.
- I camped out for a couple of days on the outskirts of Athens.
Extra Practice: 4. Translate out loud
フレーズヒントあり 1-day1-j.mp3
フレーズヒントなし 1-day1-k.mp3
- ロンドン郊外に安いホテルを見つけました。
- パリの中心部で楽しいサイクリングツアーに行きました。
- アテネ近郊で数日間キャンプをしました。
- 私が泊まったホテルは、シンガポールの中心部に位置していました。
- 嵐山は京都の西の外れに位置する美しいエリアです。
- 東京の中心部には、手頃な価格の宿泊施設がたくさんあります。
- 1. I found cheap hotels on the outskirts of London.
- 2. I went on a fun biking tour in the heart of Paris.
- 3. I camped out for a couple of days on the outskirts of Athens.
- 4. My hotel was located in the heart of Singapore.
- 5. Arashiyama is a beautiful area located on the western outskirts of Kyoto.
- 6. There is plenty of affordable lodging in the heart of Tokyo.

– In the heart of(〜の中心に)
– On the outskirts of ~(〜の郊外に)