Extra Practice: 1. Conversation

Look, I studied karate for a long time and there’s a concept you should really be familiar with. It’s what the Japanese call “Unagi”.
ねえ、僕は長い間、空手を習ってただろう?それで、 二人がよく知っておくべき概念があるんだ。それは、日本人が「ウナギ」と呼んでいるものだよ。

Isn’t that a kind of sushi?

No, it’s a concept.

Yeah, it is, it is. It’s freshwater eel.

Alright, maybe it means that too.

Oh, I would kill for a salmon-skin roll right now.

You know what, fine. Get attacked. I don’t even care.

Come on, Ross. We’re sorry. Please tell us what it is.

“Unagi” is a state of total awareness. Okay, only by achieving true “Unagi” can you be prepared for any danger that may befall you.
動画引用元: Friends | Top 10 Episodes of All Time | HBO Max (4:28-5:17)
Extra Practice: 2. Dictation

Look, I studied 1__________ for a long time and there’s a 2__________ you should really be 3__________ __________. It’s what the Japanese call “Unagi”.

Isn’t that a 4__________ __________ __________?

No, it’s a concept.

Yeah, it is, it is. It’s 5__________ __________.

Alright, maybe it means that too.

Oh, 6__________ __________ __________ __________ a salmon-skin roll right now.

You know what, fine. Get attacked. 7__________ __________ __________ __________.

Come on, Ross. We’re sorry. Please tell us 8__________ __________ __________.

“Unagi” is a state of 9__________ __________. Okay, only by achieving true “Unagi” can you be prepared for any danger that may 10__________ __________.
- 1. karate
- 2. concept
- 3. familiar with
- 4. kind of sushi
- 5. freshwater eel
- 6. I would kill for
- 7. I don’t even care
- 8. what it is
- 9. total awareness
- 10. befall you
Extra Practice: 3. Questions & Answers
- 1.
According to Ross, “Unagi” is a state of total awareness.
Extra Practice: 4. Phrases of the day
1. Look (ねえ、おい、あのさ)
例えば、カラオケに行きたくないと言っているのにしつこく誘ってくる相手に対して、“Look, I already told you. I don’t want to go.(ねぇ、もう言ったでしょ。行きたくないんだ)”のように言うことで、行きたくない気持ちを強調することができます。ちなみに、“Look”の代わりに“Listen”と言うこともでき、意味と使い方は同じです。
- Look, I’m thinking about studying abroad.(ねえ、海外留学を考えているんだけど)
- Look, it doesn’t hurt to try. (ほら、ダメもとでやってみたら)
- Look, I’m not comfortable talking about that topic.(あのさ、その話題について話すのは気が引けるんだ)
2. Kill for (〜がすごく欲しい)
直訳で「ある物を手に入れることができるなら何でもする」や「殺す」となるこの表現は、「何かが欲しくてたまらない」の意味で使われる口語的な表現です。“I really want (to) ~”をより強調した言い回しで、例えば、海外に住んでいて無性に本格的な日本食を食べたくなった時は、“I would kill for some authentic Japanese food.”と言うことができます。
この表現は一般的に、“I would kill for ~.”または“I could kill for ~.”の形式で使われ、wouldとcould、どちらを使っても大きな違いはありません。killという単語が含まれていますが、人に失礼な印象を与えるような表現ではないので誰でも気軽に使えます。
- I would kill for shaved ice.(かき氷がすごく食べたい)
- I would kill for an opportunity to work abroad.(海外で仕事をする機会があれば本当に嬉しい)
- I would kill for a raw egg over rice right now.(今、卵かけご飯が無性に食べたい)
Extra Practice: 5. Repeat
Extra Practice: 6. Instantaneous Translation
- ねえ、海外留学を考えているんだけど。
- ほら、ダメもとでやってみたら。
- あのさ、その話題について話すのは気が引けるんだ。
- かき氷がすごく食べたい。
- 海外で仕事をする機会があれば本当に嬉しい。
- 今、卵かけご飯が無性に食べたい。
- 1. Look, I’m thinking about studying abroad.
- 2. Look, it doesn’t hurt to try.
- 3. Look, I’m not comfortable talking about that topic.
- 4. I would kill for shaved ice.
- 5. I would kill for an opportunity to work abroad.
- 6. I would kill for a raw egg over rice right now.
So um, I just want to point out the humor in today’s clip, what made today’s clip so funny and why so many American people love this particular clip from “Friends.” At the very beginning of today’s episode, I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but Ross said, “I studied karate for a very long time.” And instead of saying karate, he specifically said, he emphasized karate. And I think what he wanted to do here was to let Rachel and Phoebe know that he is very knowledgeable about karate . I pronounced the word like a Japanese person. I don’t say karate. I say karate, because I know a lot about Japanese karate. And so that’s how he started out his speech today.
And then of course, he goes on and he just completely messes up. Rachel and Phoebe even calls him out and says, “Ross, are you sure it’s Unagi? Isn’t Unagi a Japanese fish? Isn’t Unagi a sushi that people eat in Japan? And he gets a little bit defensive, but he is just very serious about letting them know that “Unagi” is a concept in Japanese martial arts. And what makes this entire episode funny is that he’s so serious, right? He says it was such a straight face. And even though Rachel and Phoebe are making fun of him, he doesn’t back down he’s dead serious. He really really believes that “Unagi” is a state of awareness so um, so this is what makes this particular episode funny. If you guys watch the video, it’s even better the facial expression the way Ross looks, how confused Phoebe and Rachel look. Definitely check it out.
Alright guys, well I hope you guys enjoyed day one and great, great job for getting through our first day. I hope you guys enjoyed our first lesson. We still have a lot of fun episodes coming up, a lot of fun lessons coming up. So let’s keep up the great work. Let’s keep up the motivation. Let’s keep up the energy and let’s keep this thing going. I will see you guys again first thing tomorrow morning. Take it easy guys. Peace.本日のアウトプット投稿

– Look (ねえ、おい、あのさ)
– Kill for(〜がすごく欲しい)