Extra Practice: 1. Conversation

So for the past 20 years, I’ve been helping Malaysians and other Southeast Asians to speak better English. And through training thousands of Southeast Asians, I’ve discovered a very surprising truth.

I’ve discovered that how well somebody communicates in English, actually has very little to do with their English level. It has a lot to do with their attitude towards English. There are people out there who have a very, very low level of English, and they can communicate very, very well.

One of them that I remember was a student, a participant of mine named Faisal, he was a factory supervisor, English level very, very low. But this guy could just sit and listen to anybody very calmly, clearly, and then he could respond. Absolutely express his thoughts beautifully, at a very low level of English.

So today, I want to share with you what is so different about people like Faisal. How do they do it? And second of all, why is this so important, not only to you, but to your children, to your community, and to the future of Malaysia? And third of all, what’s one thing you can do starting today, if you want to speak with that calm, clear confidence that people like Faisal has?
Extra Practice: 2. Dictation

So for the past 20 years, 1__________ __________ __________ Malaysians and other Southeast Asians to 2__________ __________ __________. And through training 3__________ __________ Southeast Asians, I’ve discovered a very 4__________ __________.

I’ve discovered that how well somebody communicates in English actually has very 5__________ __________ __________ __________ their English level. It has a lot to do with their 6__________ towards English. There are people out there who have a very, very low level of English, and they can 7__________ very, very well.

One of them that I remember was a student, a 8__________ __________ __________ named Faisal, he was a factory supervisor, English level very, very low. But this guy could just 9__________ __________ __________ to anybody very calmly, clearly, and then he could 10__________. Absolutely express his thoughts beautifully, at a very low level of English.

So today, I want to 11__________ __________ __________ what is so different about people like Faisal. How do they do it? And 12__________ __________ __________, why is this so important, 13__________ __________ __________ __________, but to your children, to your community, and to the future of 14__________? And third of all, what’s one thing you can do starting today, if you want to speak with that calm, 15__________ __________ that people like Faisal has?
- 1. I’ve been helping
- 2. speak better English
- 3. thousands of
- 4. surprising truth
- 5. little to do with
- 6. attitude
- 7. communicate
- 8. participant of mine
- 9. sit and listen
- 10. respond
- 11. share with you
- 12. second of all
- 13. not only to you
- 14. Malaysia
- 15. clear confidence [/su_answer]
Extra Practice: 3. Question & Answer
- 1.
She discovered that how well somebody communicates in a new language has very little to do with their language level — and a lot more to do with their attitude.
Extra Practice: 4. Phrases of the day
1. Have to do with (〜と関係がある)
“have to do with”は「〜と関係がある」を意味し、特に二つのものの結びつきを表す時に使われます。一般的に、“A has to do with B.(AはBと関係がある)”の形で使われ、例えば、「この問題はお金と関係がある」は“This problem has to do with money.”と言います。
「〜とほとんど関係ない」は“have little to do with”、「〜と関係がない」は“have nothing to do with”、「〜と大いに関係がある」は“have a lot to do with”または“have everything to do with” のように、日常会話では“have”の後に“little”や“nothing”、“a lot”や“eveything”を入れることがよくあります。例えば、今日の会話でマリアンナさんは、“How well somebody communicates in English has very little to do with their English level.”と言っていますが、これは「英語でどれだけうまくコミュニケーションを取れるかは、その人の英語のレベルとはほとんど関係がない」ことを意味します。
- My New Year’s resolution has to do with English.
(私の新年の抱負は、英語に関することです) - Staying healthy has a lot to do with exercise and eating well.
(健康維持には、運動と食事が大きく関わっています) - Becoming a good English speaker has nothing to do with personality.
2. First of all (第一に、まずは)
直訳で「全ての中の一つ目」となるこの表現は、「他のものよりも最初に」といった意味合いがあり、最初に話すことやしないといけないことを強調する表現として使われます。例えば、ミーティングの冒頭で「まずは、昨日のイベントはお疲れ様でした」と言う場合は、“First of all, great job with the event yesterday.”、友達と新年会を計画している最中に「まずは誰が行けるか確認しないといけない」と言う場合は、“First of all, we have to see who can go.”という具合に使います。
今日の会話でマリアンナさんが言った“second of all”と“third of all”は、「第二に」と「第三に」を意味します。一般的に、“first of all”の後には “second” や “secondly”、“third” や “thirdly”が続くことが多いです。日常会話で“second of all”や”third of all”を使っても決して間違いではありませんが、「何より大切な二つ目のこと、三つ目のこと」といった意味合いになるため、二つ目以降はシンプルに “second” や “third” と表現する方がいいでしょう。
発音は“first of all”のように一つ一つの単語をはっきり発音するよりも、“fursta / val”のように続けて発音する方が自然です。
- First of all, congratulations on the new addition to your family.
(まず、新しいご家族の誕生、おめでとうございます) - First of all, let’s set the date for our trip.
(まず、旅行の日程を決めましょう) - First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us.
Extra Practice: 5. Repeat
- My New Year’s resolution has to do with English.
- Staying healthy has a lot to do with exercise and eating well.
- Becoming a good English speaker has nothing to do with personality.
- First of all, congratulations on the new addition to your family.
- First of all, let’s set the date for our trip.
- First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us.
Extra Practice: 6. Instantaneous Translation
- まず、旅行の日程を決めましょう。
- 私の新年の抱負は、英語に関することです。
- まず、新しいご家族の誕生、おめでとうございます。
- 英語が上手になるには、性格は関係ありません。
- 健康維持には、運動と食事が大きく関わっています。
- まず第一に、お忙しい中、お時間を作ってご参加いただきありがとうございます。
- 1. First of all, let’s set the date for our trip.
- 2. My New Year’s resolution has to do with English.
- 3. First of all, congratulations on the new addition to your family.
- 4. Becoming a good English speaker has nothing to do with personality.
- 5. Staying healthy has a lot to do with exercise and eating well.
- 6. First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us.
今日のレッスンを楽しんでいただけましたか?今週は、マリアンナ・パスカルのTEDトークを聴きながら、外国語を話す上で本当に大切なことを学んでいきます。彼女は教師として、英語能力が比較的低いにもかかわらず、非常に効果的にコミュニケーションをとることができる生徒がいることに気づきました。彼らはどのようにコミュニケーションをとったのでしょうか?彼女は、新しい言語を話すときに最も重要なのは、正確さではなく、姿勢であることを発見したのです。 Have you ever wondered why many of us get fixated on accuracy and fear making mistakes when it comes to speaking a foreign language? Or have you ever met someone who has a relatively low command of English but speaks with great confidence and asked yourself, “How does she do it?” According to Marianna Pascal, it all comes down to attitude. As we listen to her TED talk this week, she will share her personal experiences and valuable lessons she has learned from her students and what it takes to become a good English speaker.
外国語を話すとき、なぜ多くの人が正確さに固執し、間違いを恐れるのか、不思議に思ったことはありませんか?あるいは、英語力は比較的低いのにもかかわらず、自信たっぷりに話す人に出会い、「あの人はどうやっているのだろう?」と思ったことはありませんか?マリアンナ・パスカルによると、それはすべて姿勢に起因しているそうです。今週のTEDトークでは、マリアンナ・パスカルが自身の体験や生徒から学んだ貴重な教訓、そして英語が上手に話せるようになるために必要なことを話してくれます。 Awesome work today! We’ll listen to the rest of Marianna Pascal’s TED Talk this week. Her speech should provide you with the proper mindset to become a good English speaker and provide you with the motivation to keep pushing forward. Let’s keep working hard, and keep having fun. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Take it easy, peace!
今日はお疲れ様でした。マリアンナ・パスカルのTED Talkの続きは今週一緒に聴いていきます。彼女のスピーチは、英語が上手になるための適切なマインドセットと、前に進み続けるためのモチベーションを与えてくれるはずです。1週間楽しく頑張っていきましょう。では、明日の朝、またお会いしましょう。

– Have to do with(〜と関係がある)
– First of all(第一に、まずは)