Extra Practice: 1. Podcast Episode 340

“When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps 100 times without so much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 101st blow, it will split in two, and I know it was not that last blow that did it-but all that had gone before.” This is a famous quote from a social reformer Jacob Riis that I recently came across, and it has deeply resonated with me. This quote is also displayed in the locker room of one of the most successful teams in NBA history, the San Antonio Spurs.

I think we sometimes think that breakthrough moments are a result of one decision, one action, or one defining moment. But that’s not how it works. It’s the consistent hard work that you put in day in and day out that accumulates over time that leads to breakthrough moments. And even if you feel like the effort you’re putting in today isn’t moving the needle, just remember it’s being saved up for a later time. You may not see it and you may not even feel it, but every time you hit that rock, you’re getting one step closer to breaking through.

Success doesn’t come to those who try to split the rock in one or two attempts and give up right after. Success comes to people who keep hammering away until the rock finally breaks in half. You have to be patient, persistent and you have to stay committed to consistently working hard every day. If you’re at a point in your life right now where you feel like you’ve hit a plateau and not moving forward, just remember the stonecutter and keep hammering away.
Extra Practice: 2. Dictation

“When nothing seems to 1__________, I go and look at a stonecutter 2__________ __________ at his rock, perhaps 100 times without so much as a 3__________ showing in it. Yet at the 101st blow, it will 4__________ __________ __________, and I know it was not that 5__________ __________ that did it-but all that had gone before.” This is a famous quote from a 6__________ __________ Jacob Riis that I recently came across, and it has deeply 7__________ with me. This quote is also displayed in the locker room of one of the 8__________ __________ teams in NBA history, the San Antonio Spurs.

I think we sometimes think that 9__________ __________ are a result of one decision, one action, or one defining moment. But that’s not 10__________ __________ __________. It’s the consistent hard work that you put in 11__________ __________ and day out that accumulates over time that 12__________ __________ breakthrough moments. And even if you feel like the effort you’re putting in today isn’t 13__________ __________ __________, just remember it’s being saved up for a later time. You may not see it and you may not even feel it, but every time you 14__________ __________ __________, you’re getting one step closer to breaking through.

Success doesn’t 15__________ __________ __________ who try to split the rock in one or two attempts and 16__________ __________ right after. Success comes to people who keep hammering away until the rock finally 17__________ __________ __________. You have to be patient, 18__________ and you have to stay committed to consistently working hard every day. If you’re 19__________ __________ __________ in your life right now where you feel like you’ve 20__________ __________ __________ and not moving forward, just remember the 21__________ and keep hammering away.
- 1. help
- 2. hammering away
- 3. crack
- 4. split in two
- 5. last blow
- 6. social reformer
- 7. resonated
- 8. most successful
- 9. breakthrough moments
- 10. how it works
- 11. day in
- 12. leads to
- 13. moving the needle
- 14. hit that rock
- 15. come to those
- 16. give up
- 17. breaks in half
- 18. persistent
- 19. at a point
- 20. hit a plateau
- 21. stonecutter
Extra Practice: 3. Question & Answer
- 1.
The key to achieving breakthrough moments is to consistently work hard every day.
Extra Practice: 4. Phrases of the day
1. Move the needle (目立った変化をもたらす)
直訳で「針を動かす」となるこの表現は、目立った変化をもたらすことを意味します。ここで使われている“needle”は速度計や騒音計などの「針」を指し、スピードや音の変化で針が動くことから由来しています。この表現のポイントは、小さな変化ではなく、著しい変化が見られる時に使われ、例えば、新商品を売り出す時に、“Hopefully, this new product will move the needle.(この新商品が売り上げを大きく伸ばしてくれることを期待しています)”と言ったり、新商品が売り上げに目立った変化をもたらさなかった時に、“Our new product didn’t move the needle.”と言ったりします。
- Do you think this new service will move the needle?
(この新サービスは、売り上げを大きく伸ばしてくれると思いますか?) - We hope the training program for the new employees moves the needle.
(新入社員向けの研修プログラムが、変化をもたらすことを願っています) - Our goal is to move the needle on English education in Japan.
2. Hammer away (コツコツ取り組む)
本来、“hammer away”はハンマーで物を叩き続けることを意味する表現ですが、日常会話ではコツコツ頑張り続けることを意味する比喩的な表現としても使われます。特に諦めずにずっと頑張り続ける意味合いが含まれており、例えば、英語力がなかなか伸びないことを悩んでいる友達に、“Don’t give up and keep hammering away.(諦めないで頑張り続けて)”と励ましの言葉を送るような状況で使えます。
「〜にコツコツ取り組む」は“hammer away at ~”と表し、例えば、「私はプロジェクトにコツコツ取り組んでいる」は“I’m hammering away at my project.”と言います。
その他、“hammer away”には自分のアイデアや提案、発言などを何度も繰り返す意味もあり、例えば「彼はミーティング中、ずっとその点を繰り返し強調していた」は、“He kept hammering away at that point all meeting.”のように表現します。
- I spent all week hammering away at my presentation.
(私は一週間ずっとプレゼンに打ち込みました) - Keep hammering away, and it will pay off in the end.
(コツコツ頑張り続ければ、最後には必ず報われます) - Our teacher kept hammering away at the importance of grammar.
Extra Practice: 5. Repeat
- Do you think this new service will move the needle?
- We hope the training program for the new employees moves the needle.
- Our goal is to move the needle on English education in Japan.
- I spent all week hammering away at my presentation.
- Keep hammering away, and it will pay off in the end.
- Our teacher kept hammering away at the importance of grammar.
Extra Practice: 6. Instantaneous Translation
- 私は一週間ずっとプレゼンに打ち込みました。
- 私たちの目標は、日本の英語教育に変化をもたらすことです。
- コツコツ頑張り続ければ、最後には必ず報われます。
- この新サービスは、売り上げを大きく伸ばしてくれると思いますか?
- 私たちの先生は、文法の重要性を訴え続けていました。
- 新入社員向けの研修プログラムが、変化をもたらすことを願っています。
- 1. I spent all week hammering away at my presentation.
- 2. Our goal is to move the needle on English education in Japan.
- 3. Keep hammering away, and it will pay off in the end.
- 4. Do you think this new service will move the needle?
- 5. Our teacher kept hammering away at the importance of grammar.
- 6. We hope the training program for the new employees moves the needle.
今日のレッスンを楽しんでいただけましたか?私がノートに書き留めている多くの名言の中でも、ジェイコブ・リスによるこの言葉は私のお気に入りの一つです。忍耐強く、粘り強くいること、目標から目をそらさないことの大切さを思い出させてくれます。忍耐強さと粘り強さに加えて、この名言は、日々の行動の中に意味を見出すことの大切さを教えてくれているように感じます。 Whether it’s your job, studying English, or maintaining good health, most of what we do in our lives consists of repetition. While it takes repetition to get better at something, repetition can also lead to boredom or loss of motivation. When you repeat something over and over without seeing much improvement every day, I think it’s natural to start wondering whether there’s any point in continuing. We might even begin to believe our daily repetitive actions provide little significance. The more we do something, the less special it feels, right? But this quote about the stonecutter teaches us that though every repetitive action we do every day may feel similar, they are actually not the same. In the words of the stonecutter, “no two blows are the same.” We have to realize each action we perform is unique and different, no matter how similar it may seem. And every little action we perform builds up every day, and over time it leads to big results.
仕事であれ、英語の勉強であれ、健康維持であれ、私たちが生活する上で行うことのほとんどは、繰り返しで成り立っています。何かを上達させるためには繰り返しが必要ですが、その一方で、繰り返しは飽きやモチベーションの低下につながることもあります。毎日同じことを繰り返しても、あまり効果が見られないと、「続けることに意味があるのだろうか」と思うのは自然なことでしょう。毎日の繰り返しにはほとんど意味がないとさえ思い始めるかもしれません。不思議なことに、なんでもやればやるほど、特別なことだと感じなくなってしまいますよね?しかし、この石工の言葉は、私たちが毎日繰り返している行動は、同じように感じても、実は同じではないことを教えてくれています。石工の言葉を借りれば、「No two blows are the same(同じ打撃は二度とない)」ということです。どんなに似ているように見えても、自分の行う日々の行動の一つひとつがユニークで異なるものであることに気づかなければなりません。そして、私たちが行う小さな行動の一つひとつが日々積み重なり、やがて大きな成果へとつながっていくのです。 Awesome work today! Every time you hit your rock, you may feel like it’s not making any impact. But it’s important to keep in mind that every time you hit the rock, you are getting one step closer to your ultimate goal. Every hit makes a difference, and although it may not be obvious at the moment, there is meaning to the daily actions you perform every day. I have more inspiring quotes coming your way this week. Have a great day, and I’ll see you again tomorrow morning. Take it easy, peace!

– Move the needle(目立った変化をもたらす)
– Hammer away(コツコツ取り組む)