体験版:Hapa School-Summer2023-

「Hapa School-Summer2023-」SAMPLE




Hey, what’s going on? This is Hapa School Summer Session Week 1 Day 1. It’s the first day of the Summer Session, and I hope you’re ready for an amazing 9 weeks together. This week, we are going to watch and listen to Aileen, a content creator who runs a channel called “Lavendaire.” In today’s video, she talks about the importance of small daily habits and how you can change your life in just 5 minutes a day. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Extra Practice: 1. Lavendaire


Five minutes. A short sliver of time. So small that it easily passes us by. Scrolling your phone, texting your friends, watching TV, reading a book. When you’re doing something, five minutes feels like a blink of an eye. It’s so easy, that we often overlook the power of this pocket of time. You want to change your habits? Your mindset? Your life? What if I told you, it’s possible in just five minutes a day.


First, you have to understand the power of compounding, which simply means that small daily actions will add up to massive results over time. It’s not about making a drastic change or putting in intense effort. It’s about tiny actions and daily choices. The key being consistency. So if you’re inspired to change your life and five minutes a day, I’m excited to share some ideas for you. Before we get started, make sure you subscribe to this channel and you click that bell to be notified of all my new videos on personal growth and lifestyle design.


If you struggle with procrastination, try using the five-minute rule to break your habit. Whatever task you have to do, make it your goal to do that task for just five minutes. Once five minutes has passed, you’re done and you’re free to stop doing it if that’s what you want. What you’ll often find though, is that once your five minutes are up, you’re in the mood to keep doing it. That’s the beauty of this hack. It helps you overcome the difficulty of starting because it feels so much more doable when you say you’ll only do something for five minutes.

動画引用元: How to Change Your Life in 5 Minutes (0:00-1:35)

Extra Practice: 2. Dictation


Five minutes. A short 1__________ __________ time. So small that it easily passes us by. 2__________ your phone, texting your friends, watching TV, reading a book. When you’re doing something, five minutes feels like a 3__________ __________ __________ __________. It’s so easy, that we often overlook the power of this 4__________ __________ __________. You want to change your habits? Your mindset? Your life? What if I told you, 5__________ __________ in just five minutes a day.


First, you have to understand the power of 6__________, which simply means that small daily actions will add up to 7__________ __________ over time. It’s not about making a drastic change or putting in 8__________ __________. It’s about tiny actions and daily choices. The key being 9__________. So if you’re inspired to change your life and five minutes a day, 10__________ __________ __________ share some ideas for you. Before 11__________ __________ __________, make sure you subscribe to this channel and you click that bell to be notified of all my new videos on personal growth and 12__________ __________.


If you struggle with procrastination, try using the five-minute rule to 13__________ __________ __________. Whatever task you have to do, make it your goal to 14__________ __________ __________ for just five minutes. Once five minutes has passed, you’re done and you’re 15__________ __________ stop doing it if that’s what you want. What you’ll often find though, is that once your five minutes are 16__________, you’re in the mood to keep doing it. 17__________ __________ __________ of this hack. It helps you overcome the difficulty of starting because it feels so much more 18__________ when you say you’ll only do something for five minutes.

  • 1. sliver of
  • 2. Scrolling
  • 3. blink of an eye
  • 4. pocket of time
  • 5. it’s possible
  • 6. compounding
  • 7. massive results
  • 8. intense effort
  • 9. consistency
  • 10. I’m excited to
  • 11. we get started
  • 12. lifestyle design
  • 13. break your habit
  • 14. do that task
  • 15. free to
  • 16. up
  • 17. That’s the beauty
  • 18. doable

Extra Practice: 3. Question & Answer

What is the 5 minute-rule?
  • 1.
    The five-minute rule is a hack that can help you overcome procrastination. The rule involves committing to work on a particular task for just five minutes.

Extra Practice: 4. Phrases of the day


1. Pocket of time


例えば、子育てで忙しい中、子供達がお昼寝している30分の隙間時間に英語の勉強をする場合は、“I study English during the pocket of time when my kids are sleeping.”、次のミーティングの前に短時間の余裕がある場合は、“I have a pocket of time before the next meeting.”と言います。


  • During the day, I always try to find a pocket of time to exercise.
  • I use the pocket of time on my commute to study English.
  • I had a long layover in LA, so I used that pocket of time to explore the city.

2. That’s the beauty of

“beauty”は「美しさ」のほかに「利点」や「魅力」を意味することから、 “that’s the beauty of ~”は「それが〜の素晴らしいところ」や「それが〜のすごいところ」を意味します。“that’s the great thing about ~”とほぼ意味は同じですが、ユニークさや魅力をより強調することができます。

例えば、田舎に住んでいると自然が豊かでアウトドアを楽しめるなど、田舎暮らしのいいところを説明する時に、“That’s the beauty of living in the countryside.”と表現できます。一般的に、“that’s the beauty of”の後には名詞や動名詞が続きます。


  • English connects people from all over the world. That’s the beauty of this language.
  • When you travel alone, you get to meet so many people. That’s the beauty of traveling solo.
  • We come in all shapes and sizes, and that’s the beauty of life.

Extra Practice: 5. Repeat

  1. During the day, I always try to find a pocket of time to exercise.
  2. I use the pocket of time on my commute to study English.
  3. I had a long layover in LA, so I used that pocket of time to explore the city.
  4. English connects people from all over the world. That’s the beauty of this language.
  5. When you travel alone, you get to meet so many people. That’s the beauty of traveling solo.
  6. We come in all shapes and sizes, and that’s the beauty of life.

Extra Practice: 6. Instantaneous Translation

  1. 通勤時間の隙間時間を利用して、英語の勉強をしています。
  2. 一人旅をしていると、たくさんの人に出会えます。それが一人旅の良さです。
  3. 日中は、いつも隙間時間を見つけては運動するようにしています。
  4. 色々な人がいるということが生命の魅力です。
  5. LAでの乗り継ぎ時間が長かったので、その隙間時間を利用して街を散策しました。
  6. 英語は世界中の人をつなげます。それがこの言語の素晴らしさです。
  • 1. I use the pocket of time on my commute to study English.
  • 2. When you travel alone, you get to meet so many people. That’s the beauty of traveling solo.
  • 3. During the day, I always try to find a pocket of time to exercise.
  • 4. We come in all shapes and sizes, and that’s the beauty of life.
  • 5. I had a long layover in LA, so I used that pocket of time to explore the city.
  • 6. English connects people from all over the world. That’s the beauty of this language.


Great job today. This week, we’re going to watch and listen to Aileen from Lavendaire. Aileen is a content creator, and on her channel, she posts videos on personal growth and lifestyle design. Her YouTube channel has over 2 million followers, and her goal is to inspire people around the world to embrace their true potential and create their dream life.
今日はお疲れ様でした。今週は、Lavendaireのアイリーンさんの動画を視聴します。アイリーンさんはコンテンツクリエイターで、自身のチャンネルでは自己成長やライフスタイルデザインに関する動画を投稿しています。彼女のYouTubeチャンネルには200万人以上のフォロワーがおり、彼女の目標は、世界中の人々が自分の真の可能性を受け入れ、夢の人生を創造するよう奮起させることです。 I’m a big believer in the 5-minute rule. Whether it’s exercising, studying, or working, the hardest part is getting started. Just the thought of how long it will take to finish a task or how hard it will be to complete it can overwhelm your brain and stop you from taking the first step. But if you can force yourself to work on a task just for five minutes with the understanding that you can quit after five minutes, it makes getting started much easier. And the funny thing about the five-minute rule is once you do the activity for five minutes, most times you want to continue doing more.
私は5分間ルールをすごく信じています。運動であれ、勉強であれ、仕事であれ、一番難しいのは始めることです。仕事を終えるのにどれだけ時間がかかるか、どれだけ大変か、と考えるだけで脳は圧倒されてしまい、最初の一歩を踏み出すことができなくなります。しかし、「5分経ったらやめてもいい」と理解した上で、5分間だけタスクに取り組むことを自分に言い聞かすことができれば、始めるのがずっと簡単になります。そして、5分間ルールの面白いところは、一度5分間活動をすると、ほとんどの場合、もっと続けたいと思うようになることです。 So the next time you are having a hard time getting started on something, try using the five-minute rule. Getting started is half the battle, and the five-minute rule is a great way to get you to take that first step. Have a great day, and I’ll see you again tomorrow morning. Take it easy, peace!



– Pocket of time(隙間時間)
– That’s the beauty of(それが〜の素晴らしいこと)
