体験版:Hapa School-Fall2023-

「Hapa School-Fall2023-」SAMPLE




Hey, what’s going on? Welcome to Hapa School’s Fall Session Week 1 Day 1. Today marks the beginning of an exciting 9 weeks together and I hope you’re ready for it. This week, we will be watching and listening to Oprah Winfrey’s inspiring commencement speech delivered at Spelman College in 2012. In this particular clip, Oprah emphasizes the significance of self-awareness and having a clear vision of your goals. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Extra Practice: 1. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

And what do I want? I don’t want to just be successful in the world. I don’t want to just make a mark or have a legacy. The answer to that question for me is I want to fulfill the highest, truest expression of myself as a human being.

Oprah Winfrey

I want to fulfill the promise that the creator dreamed when he dreamed the cells that made up me. What do I want? You must have some kind of vision for your life. Even if you don’t know the plan, you have to have a direction in which you choose to go. I never was the kind of woman who liked to get in a car and just go for a ride.

Oprah Winfrey

I had a boyfriend who would say, let’s just go for a ride. I want to know where are we going. Do we have a destination? Is there a plan or are we just riding? What I’ve learned is that’s a great metaphor for life. You want to be in the driver’s seat of your own life because if you’re not, life will drive you.

動画引用元: Oprah Winfrey’s Life Advice Will Change Your Future (2:07-3:32)
  1. Make a mark・・・実績を残す
  2. Legacy・・・遺産/レガシー
  3. Cell・・・細胞
  4. Make up・・・構成する
  5. Go for a ride・・・ドライブに行く
  6. Metaphor・・・比喩

Extra Practice: 2. Dictation

Oprah Winfrey

And what do I want? I don’t want to just be 1__________ in the world. I don’t want to just 2__________ __________ __________ or have a legacy. The answer to that question for me is I want to 3__________ the highest, truest expression of myself as a human being.

Oprah Winfrey

I want to fulfill the promise that 4__________ __________ dreamed when he dreamed the cells that 5__________ __________ me. What do I want? You must have some kind of 6__________ for your life. Even if you don’t know the plan, you have to have 7__________ __________ in which you choose to go. I never was the 8__________ __________ __________ who liked to get in a car and just 9__________ __________ __________ __________.

Oprah Winfrey

I had a boyfriend who would say, let’s just go for a ride. I 10__________ __________ __________ where are we going? Do we have a destination? Is there a plan or are we just riding? What I’ve learned is that’s a 11__________ __________ for life. You want to be 12__________ __________ __________ __________ of your own life because if you’re not, life will drive you.

  • 1. successful
  • 2. make a mark
  • 3. fulfill
  • 4. the creator
  • 5. made up
  • 6. vision
  • 7. a direction
  • 8. kind of woman
  • 9. go for a ride
  • 10. want to know
  • 11. great metaphor
  • 12. in the driver’s seat

Extra Practice: 3. Question & Answer

What does Oprah want to achieve in her life?
  • 1.
    She wants to fulfill the highest, truest expression of herself as a human being.

Extra Practice: 4. Phrases of the day


1. Fulfill

“fulfill”は状況に応じて様々な意味を持つ単語です。一つ目は要求や条件を満たしたり、約束を果たすことを意味します。例えば、「義務を果たす」は“fulfill one’s duties”、「約束を果たす」は“fulfill a promise”、「契約を履行する」は“fulfill a contract”といった表現が日常会話でよく使われます。

二つ目は夢や目標、計画などを実現することを意味します。例えば、「夢を実現する」は “fulfill one’s dream”、「計画を実行する」は“fulfill a plan”のように表現します。



  • Lisa is a reliable person who always fulfills her promises.
  • At our company, we strive to fulfill the needs of our customers.
  • One day, I want to fulfill my dream of living in Europe.

2. In the driver’s seat

直訳で「運転席で」となるこの表現は、運転手がハンドルを握って車を操作することを表し、日常会話では物事をコントロールする立場にいる人や主導権を握っていることを意味します。特に、重要な役割を担う状況で使われることが多いです。例えば、今日のスピーチでオプラは“You want to be in the driver’s seat of your own life.”と言っていますが、ここでは「自分の人生の主導権は自分自身で握らないといけない」ことを意味しています。

そのほか、「彼女が主導権を握っています」は“She’s in the driver’s seat.”、「彼はこのプロジェクトを管理している」は“He’s in the driver’s seat for this project.”のように表現します。


  • Jen was assigned to be in the driver’s seat of this project.
  • When it comes to organizing events, Nick is always in the driver’s seat.
  • I enjoy working for myself and being in the driver’s seat.

Extra Practice: 5. Repeat

  1. Lisa is a reliable person who always fulfills her promises.
  2. At our company, we strive to fulfill the needs of our customers.
  3. One day, I want to fulfill my dream of living in Europe.
  4. Jen was assigned to be in the driver’s seat of this project.
  5. When it comes to organizing events, Nick is always in the driver’s seat.
  6. I enjoy working for myself and being in the driver’s seat.

Extra Practice: 6. Instantaneous Translation

  1. いつかヨーロッパに住むという夢を叶えたいです。
  2. イベント企画に関しては、ニックが常に主導権を握っています。
  3. リサはいつも約束を果たしてくれる信頼できる人です。
  4. 私は自分のために働き、自分で物事をコントロールできるのが好きです。
  5. 当社では、お客様のニーズを満たすよう努力しています。
  6. ジェンがこのプロジェクトを管理するよう任命されました。
  • 1. One day, I want to fulfill my dream of living in Europe.
  • 2. When it comes to organizing events, Nick is always in the driver’s seat.
  • 3. Lisa is a reliable person who always fulfills her promises.
  • 4. I enjoy working for myself and being in the driver’s seat.
  • 5. At our company, we strive to fulfill the needs of our customers.
  • 6. Jen was assigned to be in the driver’s seat of this project.


Awesome job today. This week, we are going to watch and listen to Oprah Winfrey’s inspiring commencement speech delivered at Spelman College in 2012. Oprah Winfrey is a well-known American talk show host, TV producer, and author, famous for her long-running show “The Oprah Winfrey Show” which aired for 25 years from 1986 to 2011. She is widely considered to be one of the most powerful and influential women in the world.
お疲れ様です。今週は、2012年にスペルマン・カレッジで行われたオプラ・ウィンフリーの感動的な卒業式スピーチをご紹介します。オプラ・ウィンフリーは、1986年から2011年まで25年間放送された長寿番組「オプラ・ウィンフリー・ショー」で有名なアメリカのトーク番組司会者、テレビプロデューサー、作家です。彼女は世界で最もパワフルで影響力のある女性の一人として広く知られています。 I believe that Oprah’s greatest strength is her ability to form personal connections with others. People admire her for her warmth, sincerity, and sincere interest in their stories. She speaks from the heart, openly sharing her own vulnerabilities, experiences, and life lessons. This authenticity allows her to connect with her audience, making her relatable. Plus, she’s fantastic at getting her message across in a clear and straightforward way. She uses everyday language and relatable examples to make sure everyone understands what she’s saying. It’s one of the reasons why she’s such an effective communicator.
オプラの最大の強みは、他人と個人的なつながりを築く能力だと思います。彼女の温かさ、誠実さ、そして他人の物語に心から興味を寄せる姿は、人々から賞賛されています。彼女は心のまま率直に語り、自分自身の弱さ、経験、人生の教訓を隠し立てすることなく共有します。この誠実さによって、彼女は聴衆とつながり、親近感を抱かせることができるのです。さらに、彼女は明確でわかりやすい方法でメッセージを伝えるのが上手です。日常的な言葉や共感できる例を用いて、誰もが彼女の言っていることを理解できるようにします。それが、彼女が非常にコミュニケーションが上手な女性である理由のひとつです。 As you continue watching her speech this week, pay attention to her speaking volume and tone of voice. They are really effective tools she uses to get her message across and keep the audience engaged. Have a great day and I’ll see you again tomorrow morning. Take it easy, peace!



1. Fulfill(果たす、実現する)
2. In the driver’s seat(物事をコントロールする立場)
