体験版:Hapa School-Spring2024-

「Hapa School-Spring2024-」SAMPLE




Hey, what’s going on? Welcome to Hapa School’s Spring Session Week 1, Day 1. Today marks the beginning of an exciting 9-week journey together, and I hope you’re ready for it. In today’s chat, Peter and Billy are chatting about Billy’s 40th wedding anniversary. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Extra Practice: 1. Conversation


How your wife has put up with you for 40 years is beyond me. But with that being said, congratulations!


Thanks. As crazy as it sounds, time just flew by. It just seems like yesterday we tied the knot.


You know, not too many people can pull that off nowadays. So many of them throw in the towel over the smallest things.


You can say that again. It’s not too often you see couples in it for the long haul these days.


Hey, I got a couple of tickets for the game tomorrow, and they are VIP seats. Here, take your wife out for a night on the town and enjoy yourselves.


Really? My wife is crazy about basketball. Thanks a million.

  1. Put up with・・・〜に耐える
  2. With that being said・・・とはいえ
  3. As crazy as it sounds・・・変に聞こえるかもしれないけど
  4. Tie the knot・・・結婚する
  5. Throw in the towel・・・諦める
  6. You can say that again・・・全くその通り
  7. For the long haul・・・長期間に渡って
  8. Crazy about・・・〜が大好き、〜に夢中
  9. Thanks a million・・・本当にありがとう

Extra Practice: 2. Dictation


How your wife has 1__________ __________ __________ you for 40 years is 2__________ __________. But with that being said, congratulations!


Thanks. As crazy 3__________ __________ __________, time just flew by. It just seems like yesterday we 4__________ __________ __________.


You know, not too many people can 5__________ __________ __________ nowadays. So many of them 6__________ __________ __________ __________ over the smallest things.


You can say that again. It’s not too often you see couples in it for 7__________ __________ __________ these days.


Hey, I got a couple of tickets for the game tomorrow, and they are 8__________ seats. Here, take your wife out for a 9__________ __________ __________ __________ and enjoy yourselves.


Really? My wife is crazy about basketball. Thanks 10__________ __________.

  • 1. put up with
  • 2. beyond me
  • 3. as it sounds
  • 4. tied the knot
  • 5. pull that off
  • 6. throw in the towel
  • 7. the long haul
  • 8. VIP
  • 9. night on the town
  • 10. a million

Extra Practice: 3. Question & Answer

What do Peter and Billy say regarding married couples these days?
  • 1.
    They say many couples nowadays give up on their marriage over small issues and think many couples are not committed for the long term.

Extra Practice: 4. Phrases of the day


1. (Be) beyond someone (〜は理解できない、~の理解の範囲を超える)

“(be) beyond someone”は、その人にとって理解したり把握したりするのが難しすぎることを表し、理解の範囲を超えることを意味します。例えば、コーディングについて説明されても専門用語が多すぎて話についていけない場合は、“Coding is beyond me.(コーディングは理解できない)、LAでの仕事のオファーを断った友人の事を理解できない場合は、“Why he turned down the job offer to work in LA is beyond me.(なぜ彼がLAでの仕事のオファーを断ったのか、私には理解できない)のように表現します。


  • [主語] + be + beyond + [人称代名詞/名詞]


  • Fixing a car engine is beyond me.
  • Why she is always 20 minutes late is beyond me.

2. Pull something off (成功する)

“pull off”は「成功する」や「達成する」を意味し、特に困難な状況の中で何かをやり遂げたり、成功させたりするニュアンスがあります。“pull off”はスポーツの試合で勝ったり、ビジネスで大きな取引に成功したり、サプライズパーティーを成功させたりなど色々な状況で使われます。例えば、逆転の勝利を収めた場合は、“They pulled off an upset.(彼らは逆転勝利した)”、取引に成功した場合は、“We pulled off the deal.(我々は取引に成功した)”のように表現します。


  • [主語] + pull + [目標・行動] + off
  • [主語] + pull off + [目標・行動]


  • We pulled off a surprise party for my Mom’s birthday.
  • I didn’t think he could create an app, but he managed to pull it off.

3. Night on the town (夜の街を楽しむ)

“night on the town” は、友人や家族などと夜に出かけて楽しむことを意味します。レストランで食事したり、イベントやライブに行ったりなど、普段とはちょっと異なるアクティビティを楽しむニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、「私たちは友人の誕生日を祝うために夜の街に出かける予定です」は “We’re planning a night on the town to celebrate my friend’s birthday.”と言います。


  • [主語] + have/spend/enjoy/plan + a night on the town


  • Let’s go out for a night on the town.
  • We were out for a night on the town to celebrate my friend’s birthday.

Extra Practice: 5. Repeat

  1. Fixing a car engine is beyond me.
  2. Why she is always 20 minutes late is beyond me.
  3. We pulled off a surprise party for my Mom’s birthday.
  4. I didn’t think he could create an app, but he managed to pull it off.
  5. Let’s go out for a night on the town.
  6. We were out for a night on the town to celebrate my friend’s birthday.

Extra Practice: 6. Instantaneous Translation

  1. 夜の街に出かけましょう。
  2. 車のエンジンを修理するのは私には無理です。
  3. 母の誕生日にサプライズパーティーを成功させました。
  4. なぜ彼女がいつも20分遅刻するのか、私には理解できません。
  5. 彼がアプリを作れるとは思っていませんでしたが、見事にやり遂げました。
  6. 友人の誕生日を祝うため、夜の街に出かけました。
  • 1. Let’s go out for a night on the town.
  • 2. Fixing a car engine is beyond me.
  • 3. We pulled off a surprise party for my Mom’s birthday.
  • 4. Why she is always 20 minutes late is beyond me.
  • 5. I didn’t think he could create an app, but he managed to pull it off.
  • 6. We were out for a night on the town to celebrate my friend’s birthday.


Awesome job today. Today’s dialog was filled with lots of useful expressions, so let’s go over a few of them together. The first idiom is “tie the knot.” “Tie the knot” is an idiom that means to get married. Imagine you have two pieces of rope, and you make a knot to connect them together. In the same way, when people “tie the knot,” they’re joining their lives together in a special way. So, when you hear someone say they’re going to “tie the knot,” it means they’re going to have a wedding and officially become husband and wife. By the way, it’s been 8 years since my wife and I tied the knot!
お疲れ様です。今日のダイアログには便利な表現がたくさんあったので、いくつか一緒に見ていきましょう。最初の慣用句は”tied the knot”です。”tie the knot”は「結婚する」を意味する慣用句です。2本のロープがあって、それらを繋げるために結び目を作る様子を想像してみてください。同じように、カップルが”tie the knot”するとき、彼らは特別な方法で互いの人生を結んでいるのです。なので、誰かが”Tie the knot”すると言ったら、それは結婚式を挙げて正式に夫婦になることを意味します。ちなみに、私と妻は”tie the knot”をしてから8年になります! The second idiom is “throw in the towel.” “Throw in the towel” means to give up or surrender. It comes from boxing, where a boxer’s coach might throw a towel into the ring to signal that the boxer is giving up and can’t continue the fight. So, when someone “throws in the towel,” it means they’ve decided to stop trying because they don’t think they can succeed or it’s too difficult.
二つ目の慣用句は”throw in the towel”です。”throw in the towel”は「諦める」、「降参する」という意味の慣用句です。これはボクシングから来ており、ボクサーが降参して試合を続けられないことを示すために、ボクサーのコーチがリングにタオルを投げ入れることがあります。要するに、誰かが”throws in the towel”する時、それは成功する見込みがない、あるいは難しすぎるという理由で、挑戦するのをやめると決めたことを意味します。 The last phrase is “for the long haul.” “For the long haul” means for a long period of time or for the foreseeable future. When someone says they are “(be) in it for the long haul,” it means they are committed to something for a long time and are willing to stick with it through good times and bad. So as an English learner, it’s important to be in it for the long haul and not throw in the towel easily. English is a fun journey, so let’s enjoy the process together. Have a great day, and I’ll see you again tomorrow morning. Take it easy, peace!
最後のフレーズは”for the long haul”です。”for the long haul”は、「長い期間にわたって」や「長い目で見れば」を意味します。誰かが”(be) in it for the long haul “と言う時は、その人が長い間何かに打ち込んでいて、良い時も悪い時もそれを貫き通すという意味です。なので、英語学習者として、英語学習を簡単に諦めたりせずに、長期間に渡って頑張る必要があります。英語は楽しい旅なので、一緒にそのプロセスを楽しみましょう。では素晴らしい一日をお過ごしください。また明日の朝、お会いしましょう。



1. (Be) beyond someone(〜は理解できない、~の理解の範囲を超える)
2. Pull something off(成功する)
3. Night on the town(夜の街を楽しむ)
