体験版:Hapa School-Summer2024-

「Hapa School-Summer2024-」SAMPLE




Hey, what’s going on? Welcome to Hapa School Summer Session Week 1, Day 1. Today is the beginning of an exciting 9-week journey together, and I hope you’re ready for it. This week we are going to listen to a podcast called, “How to Know That You Know Nothing.” In today’s clip, the podcast talks about mindfulness and why it is difficult for many of us to stay focussed on the present. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Extra Practice: 1. How to know that you know nothing

Arthur C. Brooks

Mindfulness has been kind of in the zeitgeist for a long time. It’s this idea that you’re missing your life if you’re not here right now. And so you need to figure out a way to focus on the present, to be really experiencing your current timeframe, as opposed to thinking about the past or thinking about the future.

Arthur C. Brooks

Now, there’s a reason that that’s hard to do. And there’s a lot of neuroscience that’s gone into this. It effectively comes down to the unique nature of the human mind, probably compared to any other species that’s ever existed.

Arthur C. Brooks

The human brain makes it possible for us to be in other time periods than in the current moment. I can imagine that I’m in the future practicing future scenarios in my life. After I’m done recording this podcast, I’m going to do something else.

  1. Zeitgeist・・・社会的トレンド
  2. Missing one’s life・・・人生を無駄にする
  3. Neuroscience・・・神経科学
  4. Unique nature・・・独特の性質
  5. Species・・・生き物

Extra Practice: 2. Dictation

Arthur C. Brooks

Mindfulness has been 1__________ __________ in the zeitgeist for a long time. It’s this idea that you’re 2__________ __________ __________ if you’re not here right now. And so you need to 3__________ __________ a way to focus on the present, to be really experiencing your current timeframe, 4__________ __________ __________ thinking about the past or thinking about 5__________ __________.

Arthur C. Brooks

Now, there’s a reason that that’s 6__________ __________ __________. And there’s a lot of neuroscience that’s gone into this. It effectively 7__________ __________ __________ the unique nature of the human mind, probably compared to any other 8__________ that’s ever existed.

Arthur C. Brooks

The human brain makes it possible for us to be in 9__________ __________ __________ than in the current moment. I can imagine that I’m in the future practicing 10__________ __________ in my life. After I’m done recording this podcast, I’m going to do 11__________ __________.

  • 1. kind of
  • 2. missing your life
  • 3. figure out
  • 4. as opposed to
  • 5. the future
  • 6. hard to do
  • 7. comes down to
  • 8. species
  • 9. other time periods
  • 10. future scenarios
  • 11. something else

Extra Practice: 3. Question & Answer

Why is it hard to stay focused on the present?
  • 1.
    It is hard to stay focused on the present because our minds can think about the past and the future.

Extra Practice: 4. Phrases of the day


1. As opposed to (〜とは対照的に)

“as opposed to”は、「~とは対照的に」や「~ではなく」という意味を持つフレーズで、異なるものや状況を比較するときに使われます。例えば、「私はコーヒーではなく紅茶の方が好きです」は“I prefer tea as opposed to coffee.”、「私はテレビを見るより本を読む方が好きです」は“I enjoy reading books as opposed to watching TV.”と表現します。


  • 主語 + 動詞 + 名詞1 + as opposed to + 名詞2
  • 主語 + 動詞 + 動名詞1 + as opposed to + 動名詞2


  • I prefer printed books as opposed to ebooks.
  • I enjoy walking as opposed to driving.
  • I’m an introvert, as opposed to my younger sister, who is an extrovert.

2. Come down to (結局は〜だ)

“come down to ~”は「結局のところ〜に行き着く」を意味し、物事の大元の本質や核心、または最も重要な要素に帰着することを表します。例えば、「健康を維持するには定期的な運動とバランスの取れた食事が重要だ」は“Staying healthy comes down to regular exercise and a balanced diet.”と表現し、定期的な運動とバランスの取れた食事が、健康を維持するうえで最も重要な要素であることを強調しています。

また、この表現は“come down to someone”の形で使うこともできます。最終的に何かが特定の人に依存する、またはその人の決定や行動に帰着することを表し、「最終的に〜次第だ」を意味します。例えば、「この決断はあなた次第だ」は“The decision comes down to you.”と言います。


  • 主語 + come(s) down to + 名詞/名詞句


  • Making good food comes down to using fresh ingredients.
  • Maintaining a good relationship comes down to communication and trust.
  • Becoming a good English speaker comes down to consistent practice.

Extra Practice: 5. Repeat

  1. I prefer printed books as opposed to ebooks.
  2. I enjoy walking as opposed to driving.
  3. I’m an introvert, as opposed to my younger sister, who is an extrovert.
  4. Making good food comes down to using fresh ingredients.
  5. Maintaining a good relationship comes down to communication and trust.
  6. Becoming a good English speaker comes down to consistent practice.

Extra Practice: 6. Instantaneous Translation

  1. 私は車を運転するよりも歩く方が好きです。
  2. 英語が上手に話せるようになるには、継続的な練習が重要です。
  3. 私は電子書籍ではなく紙の本の方が好きです。
  4. 美味しい料理を作るには、新鮮な食材を使うことが重要です。
  5. 私は内向的な性格ですが、対照的に私の妹は外向的な性格です。
  6. 良い関係を維持するには、コミュニケーションと信頼が重要です。
  • 1. I enjoy walking as opposed to driving.
  • 2. Becoming a good English speaker comes down to consistent practice.
  • 3. I prefer printed books as opposed to ebooks.
  • 4. Making good food comes down to using fresh ingredients.
  • 5. I’m an introvert, as opposed to my younger sister, who is an extrovert.
  • 6. Maintaining a good relationship comes down to communication and trust.


Awesome job today. This week, we will be tuning in to a podcast titled “How to Build a Happy Life” by The Atlantic. The podcast explores the science and art of leading a fulfilling life, sharing perspectives from psychology, philosophy, and personal development. Hosted by Arthur C. Brooks, a Harvard professor and social scientist, it provides practical advice and evidence-based strategies for enhancing one’s quality of life.
お疲れ様です。今週は、“The Atlantic”の”How to Build a Happy Life(「幸せな人生を築く方法)”というポッドキャストを聴きます。このポッドキャストは、充実した人生を送るための科学と芸術を探求するもので、心理学、哲学、自己啓発からの視点を伝えてくれています。ハーバード大学教授で社会科学者のアーサー・C・ブルックスがホストを務め、人生の質を高めるための実践的なアドバイスと、エビデンスに基づいた戦略を提供しています。 We will focus on listening to clips from episode 1, titled “How to Know That You Know Nothing.” The episode explores why it’s challenging to live in the present moment. The human brain tends to wander, often thinking about the past or the future. This tendency can prevent us from fully experiencing the present. This episode explains steps we can take to try to stay focused in the moment.
今回はエピソード1の “How to Know That You Know Nothing(自分が何も知らないことを知る方法)”からの音声にフォーカスします。このエピソードでは、なぜ今この瞬間を生きることが難しいのかを探ります。人間の脳はさまよいがちで、しばしば過去や未来のことを考える傾向があります。この傾向は、私たちが今を十分に体験することを妨げることがあります。このエピソードでは、私たちが今この瞬間に集中し続けるためにできることを説明しています。 I absolutely loved this episode! It’s packed with inspiring stories and practical tips that I found incredibly useful. It really got me thinking about what it means to stay in the moment and not get overwhelmed by the clutter in our lives. I hope you find some valuable tips that you can apply in your everyday life too! Have a great day, and I’ll see you again tomorrow morning. Take it easy, peace!



1. As opposed to(〜とは対照的に)
2. Come down to(結局は〜だ)


ChatGPT Voiceを活用

スマートフォンやタブレットでChatGPTアプリを開きChatGPT Voiceを立ち上げてスピーキングエクササイズを行いましょう。今日のフレーズを使った文章を作成する、または下記2)のように穴埋めをして文章を作成し、自分が作った文章でChatGPT Voiceに話しかけてみてください。どんな風にAIとの会話が広がるのか、お楽しみください!
ChatGPT Voiceの使い方はこちらから
  1. Create a sentence using one of the expressions we learned from today and say it to ChatGPT.
    (今日の課題で学んだ表現を一つ使って自分の文章を作りChat GPT Voiceに話しかけてみましょう)
  2. Complete the unfinished sentence and say it to ChatGPT.
    (下記文章の空欄を埋め、作成した文章をChat GPT Voiceに話しかけてみましょう)
    • I enjoy/prefer _____ as opposed to ______.(私は〜ではなく〜が好きです)
    • Becoming a good English speaker comes down to _____.(英語が上手に話せるようになるには〜が重要だ)