Hapa School冬学期 Week1 Day1へようこそ。今日は、多くの人が年の初めに考える新年の抱負について話します。年の初めに目標を立てるのが好きな人は多いですが、このレッスンでは、その目標について英語で話す方法を学びます。それでは、私と妻のアキナが今年の抱負について話している会話を聞いてみましょう。準備はいいですか?それでは、私とアキナの会話をどうぞお楽しみください。

So, it’s the beginning of the year, which means it’s time for New Year’s resolutions.

(Laugh). New Year’s resolutions.

Yes, yes. So, have you set any New Year’s resolutions for this year?

For this year, I want to spend more time with our cats.

Our cats? Okay.

Because ever since we had kids, we’ve kind of been putting them on the side, especially Goro, he’s getting older.

Mm-hm, he’s a senior cat now, yeah.

He’s gonna be 13 this year, so maybe his last years. We really have to spoil him.

Aww, don’t say it’s his last years. He still got many good years ahead of him.

Yeah. Gotta take care of him.

Alright, well, that’s a good resolution, yeah.

How about you?

Well, I think for me, my New Year’s resolution is to try to stick to my resolutions. You know what I’m saying? Because, like, honestly, you set them, and then what, like, two weeks…

That’s why I don’t like to set them.

Yeah, exactly. So it’s to try to stick to it to the best I can. But I mean, honestly speaking, I think what I want to try to do this year is to try to do more in-person events, right?

Mm, oh yeah.

Yeah, I think that’s like one of the goals I have for this year is try to do things that are offline, meet people in person. I’m going to Japan for the seminar, which I’m pretty excited about. But, you know, do more events in LA and maybe hopefully get to go back to Japan again and do fun stuff. So I think that’s one thing I want to do. Yeah.

Yeah, they’re always better in person.

Always better.
- Set・・・〜を決める
- Put ~ on the side・・・〜を後回しにする
- Senior cat・・・シニア猫
- Spoil someone・・・甘やかす
- Good years・・・充実した年月
- Stick to・・・〜を守る
- To the best I can・・・できる限り
- In-person・・・対面の
Part 1: Akina’s New Year’s resolution.
Jun: So, have you set any New Year's resolutions for this year? Akina: For this year, I want to spend more time with our cats. Jun: Our cats? Okay. Akina: Because ever since we had kids, we've kind of been putting them on the side, especially Goro, he's getting older. Jun: Mm-hm, he's a senior cat now, yeah. Akina: He's gonna be 13 this year, so maybe his last years. We really have to spoil him. Jun: Aww, don't say it's his last years. He still got many good years ahead of him. Akina: Yeah. Gotta take care of him. Jun: Alright, well, that's a good resolution, yeah.
I start by asking Akina if she has any New Year’s resolutions. Akina wants to spend more time with our cats, especially Goro, who is turning 13 this year. Since we had kids, she feels we haven’t given our cats as much attention, so she wants to make up for that and spoil Goro in his senior years. I remind her that Goro still has a lot of good years ahead.
Part 2: My New Year’s resolution.
Akina: How about you? Jun: Well, I think for me, my New Year's resolution is to try to stick to my resolutions. You know what I'm saying? Because, like, honestly, you set them, and then what, like, two weeks… Akina: That's why I don't like to set them. Jun: Yeah, exactly. So it's to try to stick to it to the best I can.
Here, Akina asks me about my New Year’s resolutions. I joke a little, saying that my resolution is just to stick to my resolutions! Why? Because it’s hard to follow through with them! Many people start strong with their goals, but after two weeks, they stop. Akina agrees—this is why she doesn’t like making resolutions at all.
Part 3: My real New Year’s resolution.
Jun: What I want to try to do this year is to try to do more in-person events, right? Akina: Mm, oh yeah. Jun: Yeah, I think that's like one of the goals I have for this year is try to do things that are offline, meet people in person. I'm going to Japan for the seminar, which I'm pretty excited about. But, you know, do more events in LA and maybe hopefully get to go back to Japan again and do fun stuff. So I think that's one thing I want to do. Yeah. Akina: Yeah, they're always better in person. Jun: Always better.
In this part, I share my main goal for the year: doing more in-person events. These are events where I can meet people face-to-face, rather than online. I talk about my excitement for a seminar in Japan and my plans to do more events in LA. It’s all about connecting with people and having fun in the process. Akina agrees that in-person events are always better because they feel more personal and meaningful.
Key Phrases: Talking about New Year’s resolution
1. My New Year’s Resolution is ~. (私の新年の抱負は~です)
The most standard way is, “My New Year’s resolution is ~.” For example, if you want to study English every day, you might say, “My New Year’s resolution is to study English every day.”
最も一般的な言い方は、“My New Year’s resolution is ~.(私の新年の抱負は~です)”です。例えば、毎日英語を勉強したいと思っている場合は、“My New Year’s resolution is to study English every day.(私の新年の抱負は、毎日英語を勉強することです)”と言うことができます。
- 具体的に何を決意しているかを述べます。
- 代名詞 + New Year’s Resolution is + 不定詞(to +動詞の原型)
- My New Year’s resolution is to speak more English.
(私の新年の抱負は、もっと英語を話すことです) - My New Year’s resolution is to exercise regularly.
2. I want to ~. (~したい)
One of the most common expressions to talk about New Year’s resolutions is, “I want to ~.” When you say, “I want to ~,” it shows you have a clear desire, and it sounds like you really care about this goal. For example, if you say, “I want to travel more this year,” this means you feel like traveling is important to you. However, it doesn’t tell us exactly if you’ve started making plans or taking steps.
新年の抱負を語る際に最もよく使われる表現のひとつが、“I want to ~.(~したい)”です。“I want to ~.(~したい)”と言うことで、明確な願望があることが伝わり、その目標に対して強い気持ちがあるように聞こえます。例えば、“I want to travel more this year.(今年はもっと旅行をしたい)”と言うと、旅行が自分にとって重要だと感じていることが伝わります。しかし、この表現だけでは、計画を立てたり、行動を起こしたりし始めているかどうかまでは分かりません。
- 目標というより「願望」に近いです。しかし、計画を立てたり、行動を起こしたりし始めたかどうかは、はっきりと伝わりません。
- I want to + 動詞
- I want to spend more time with my family this year.
(今年は家族と過ごす時間を増やしたいと思っています) - I want to save money for a vacation this year.
3. I’m planning on ~. (~するつもりだ)
If you have thought about your goal carefully, and you are making some steps or preparations to achieve it, you can say, “I’m planning on ~.” For example, if you said, “I’m planning on traveling more this year,” it sounds like you are thinking about where to go, maybe saving money or setting up a schedule. Saying “I’m planning on” usually means you’re serious about making it happen.
もしあなたが自分の目標についてしっかり考え、達成に向けて準備や行動を始めているのであれば、“I’m planning on ~.(~するつもりだ)”と言うことができます。例えば、“I’m planning on traveling more this year.(今年はもっと旅行をしようと思っている)”と言った場合、どこに行くか考えたり、お金を貯めたり、スケジュールを立てたりしているように聞こえます。“I’m planning on”は、大抵それを実現させようと真剣に考えていることを意味します。
- 計画的な意図を含んだ表現です。少し具体的に行動に移す予定があるときに使います。
- 主語 + be動詞 + planning on + 動名詞(動詞+ ing)
- I’m planning on traveling to Europe this year.
(今年はヨーロッパ旅行を計画しています) - I’m planning on taking online English lessons this year.
4. I’m hoping to ~. (~したいと思っている)
If you want to do something, but you feel like it might be a bit difficult or out of your control, you can say, “I’m hoping to ~.” So if you say, “I’m hoping to travel more this year,” it implies that you’d like to travel more, but you’re not actively working on it, or maybe it’s not fully under your control. It sounds less determined and more like a wish than a firm goal.
何かをしたいと思っているけれど、少し難しいかもしれない、あるいは自分ではどうにもできないかもしれないと感じている場合は、“I’m hoping to ~.(~したいと思っている)”と表現できます。例えば、“I’m hoping to travel more this year.(今年はもっと旅行したいと思っている)”と言うと、もっと旅行したいと思っているけれど、積極的に取り組んでいるわけではない、あるいは完全に自分のコントロール下にあるわけではないということを意味します。それは、確固とした目標というよりも、願望に近い響きがあり決意が弱い印象を与えます。
- 希望を表す表現です。達成できるかどうかは分からないが、期待している気持ちを含んでいます。
- 主語 + be動詞 + hoping to + 動詞
- I’m hoping to run a marathon this year.
(今年はマラソンを走ってみたいと思っています) - I’m hoping to travel to a new place this year.
Repeating Exercise
- My New Year’s resolution is to speak more English. (私の新年の抱負は、もっと英語を話すことです)
- My New Year’s resolution is to exercise regularly. (私の新年の抱負は、定期的に運動することです)
- I want to spend more time with my family this year. (今年は家族と過ごす時間を増やしたいと思っています)
- I want to save money for a vacation this year. (今年は休暇のために貯金したいと思っています)
- I’m planning on traveling to Europe this year. (今年はヨーロッパ旅行を計画しています)
- I’m planning on taking online English lessons this year. (私は今年はオンライン英会話のレッスンを受けようと思っています)
- I’m hoping to run a marathon this year. (今年はマラソンを走ってみたいと思っています)
- I’m hoping to travel to a new place this year. (今年は新しい場所を旅行したいと思っています)
Let’s have a conversation
- My New Year’s resolution is to stick to my resolutions. How about you? What is your New Year’s resolution? (私の新年の抱負は、新年の目標を守り抜くことです。あなたはどうですか?新年の抱負は何ですか?)
- I want to do more in-person events this year. How about you? What do you want to do this year? (今年はもっとオフラインイベントをやりたいと思っています。あなたはどうですか?今年はどんなことをしたいですか?)
- I’m planning on running three half marathons this year. How about you? What are you planning on doing this year? (私は今年、ハーフマラソンを3回走る予定です。あなたはどうですか?今年、どんなことをする予定ですか?)
- I’m hoping to travel somewhere with my wife this year. How about you? What are you hoping to do this year? (今年は妻とどこかへ旅行に行きたいと思っています。あなたはどうですか?今年、何をしたいですか?)
お疲れ様です。多くの人が新年の抱負を立てますが、そのうちの多くが数週間で諦めてしまうことをご存知でしたか? 1月の第2金曜日には、多くの人がその頃に目標を諦めてしまうことから、「Quitters’ Day(諦めの日)」というニックネームまであるという、ちょっと面白い話があります。 実際、2月中旬までに約80%の人が新年の抱負を諦めてしまうという調査結果もあります! One of the big reasons we often struggle with our goals is that we tend to set huge, unrealistic expectations without a solid plan in place. It’s super easy to feel motivated at the start of the year, but as the excitement wears off, so can our commitment. So instead, try setting smaller, manageable goals and focus on taking one small step forward every day. So, what are your New Year’s resolutions this year? Share them with us in the Hapa School community. Have an awesome day, and I’ll catch you again tomorrow. Take it easy, peace!
その大きな理由のひとつは、多くの人がしっかりとした計画を立てずに、非現実的な目標を立ててしまうことです。新年の始まりはやる気が出やすいのですが、興奮が冷めると、やる気も失われてしまいます。代わりに、より小さく、管理しやすい目標を設定し、毎日一歩ずつ前進することに集中してみましょう。さぁ、あなたの今年の新年の抱負は何ですか?Hapa Schoolコミュニティでぜひ共有してください。では、良い1日をお過ごしください。また明日お会いしましょう。
Today's Output Exercise

1. My New Year’s resolution is to ____.(私の新年の抱負は〜です)
2. I want to ____ this year.(今年は〜したいです)
3. I’m planning on ____ this year.(今年は〜する予定です)
4. I’m hoping to ____.(今年は〜したいと思っています)
Extra Practice: Translation Exercise
- 私の新年の抱負は、もっと英語を話すことです。
- 私の新年の抱負は、定期的に運動することです。
- 今年は家族と過ごす時間を増やしたいと思っています。
- 今年は休暇のために貯金したいと思っています。
- 今年はヨーロッパ旅行を計画しています。
- 今年はオンライン英会話のレッスンを受けようと思っています。
- 今年はマラソンを走ってみたいと思っています。
- 今年は新しい場所を旅行したいと思っています。
- 1. My New Year’s resolution is to speak more English.
- 2. My New Year’s resolution is to exercise regularly.
- 3. I want to spend more time with my family this year.
- 4. I want to save money for a vacation this year.
- 5. I’m planning on traveling to Europe this year.
- 6. I’m planning on taking online English lessons this year.
- 7. I’m hoping to run a marathon this year.
- 8. I’m hoping to travel to a new place this year.
Extra Practice: Speaking Exercise
ChatGPT Voiceの使い方はこちらから
また、Hapa Schoolコミュニティ内でもアウトプット練習にトライしてみましょう!
- My New Year’s resolution is to ____.(私の新年の抱負は〜です)
- I want to ____ this year.(今年は〜したいです)
- I’m planning on ____ this year.(今年は〜する予定です)
- I’m hoping to ____.(今年は〜したいと思っています)