1. Conversation of the day

So Josh.


What is something that ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ to do but you’ve been scared to try?

Well my girlfriend is actually ___________________. Many people … you speak Japanese, why is your girlfriend Chinese? I ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________. But she’s Chinese and she has family in China. And so I’ve always wanted to go to China to meet her…her ___________________ that actually live in China. But I am scared of China. I’ve heard so many stories from her about ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________, how that ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ instead of the people so it’s kinda (kind of) like a ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ when you’re in China. You have to ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ you know. And…

You know ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ but that’s … I actually had a chance to go to China years ago.


In a prior relationship and ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________.

Oh (laugh).

And it’s true.

It’s true?

It’s not a joke. It’s not just like some you know, ___________________ ___________________ ___________________.


Like this is like ___________________ ___________________.
- 1. you’ve always wanted
- 2. Chinese
- 3. don’t understand that either
- 4. relatives
- 5. how dangerous China is
- 6. cars get the priority
- 7. game of Frogger
- 8. dodge the cars
- 9. I don’t mean to interrupt
- 10. I saw that first hand
- 11. unlucky YouTube footage
- 12. the norm
2. Vocabulary Check
1. Relative |
a) 優先 |
2. Priority |
b) 映像 |
3. Dodge |
c) 基準 |
4. Footage |
d) 親戚 |
5. Norm |
e) 素早く避ける |
- 1. d.親戚
- 2. a.優先
- 3. e.素早く避ける
- 4. b.映像
- 5. c.基準
3. Translation

So Josh.


What is something that 1you’ve always wanted to do but you’ve been scared to try?

Well my girlfriend is actually Chinese. Many people … you speak Japanese, why is your girlfriend Chinese? I don’t understand that either. But she’s Chinese and she has family in China. And so I’ve always wanted to go to China to meet her…her 2relatives that actually live in China. But I am scared of China. I’ve heard so many stories from her about how dangerous China is, how that cars get the 3priority instead of the people so it’s kinda (kind of) like a game of 4Frogger when you’re in China. You have to 5dodge the cars you know. And…

You know I don’t mean to interrupt but that’s … I actually had a chance to go to China years ago.


In a prior relationship and I saw that 6firsthand.

Oh (laugh).
(へぇ [笑])

And it’s true.

It’s true?

It’s not a joke. It’s not just like some you know, unlucky YouTube 7footage.


Like this is like the 8norm.
4. Translate the following sentences
- 私たちの祖父母は戦争を実際に体験しました。
- 交通事故が起こるのを直接目撃しました。
- 彼女は事業を経営するのがいかに難しいか身をもって知っています。
- 実際に経験することが何かを学ぶ最善の方法の一つだと信じています。
- 異文化をじかに学べるので、海外留学をしたいです。
- 1. Our grandparents have experienced war firsthand.
- 2. I saw the car accident happen firsthand.
- 3. She knows firsthand how difficult it is to run a business.
- 4. I believe that firsthand experience is one of the best ways to learn.
- 5. I want to study abroad so I can learn about other cultures firsthand.
5. Phrase of the day
「Firsthand 」の意味と使い方
Firsthand は「じかに」や「直接に」を意味する口語表現です。特に物事を実際に見聞きしたり(see/hear firsthand)、自ら体験したり(experience firsthand)、直接触れて学んだり(learn firsthand)するような状況で使われることが多いです。イギリス英語は first-hand、アメリカ英語は firsthandのように表す傾向があります。
Dodge は素早く避けたり、身をかわすことを意味する単語で、子供の時に遊んだことのあるドッジボール(dodgeball)の名称はこのdodgeからきています。ぶつからないように物理的に身をかわすことに限らず、「dodge a question(質問をかわす)」や「dodge responsibility(責任から逃げる)」のように問題や責任を巧妙に避けるような状況でも使われます。
- 駅を出るのに人混みをすり抜けないといけませんでした。
- 彼は話題を変えて、質問をかわしました。
- 1. We had to dodge through the crowd to get out of the train station.
- 2. He dodged the question by changing the topic.
6. Repeat after me
- Our grandparents have experienced war firsthand.
- I saw the car accident happen firsthand.
- She knows firsthand how difficult it is to run a business.
- I believe that firsthand experience is one of the best ways to learn.
- I want to study abroad so I can learn about other cultures firsthand.
- We had to dodge through the crowd to get out of the train station.
- He dodged the question by changing the topic.
7. Translate out loud
- 交通事故が起こるのを直接目撃しました。
- 彼女は事業を経営するのがいかに難しいか身をもって知っています。
- 彼は話題を変えて、質問をかわしました。
- 私たちの祖父母は戦争を実際に体験しました。
- 駅を出るのに人混みをすり抜けないといけませんでした。
- 異文化をじかに学べるので、海外留学をしたいです。
- 実際に経験することが何かを学ぶ最善の方法の一つだと信じています。
- 1. I saw the car accident happen firsthand.
- 2. She knows firsthand how difficult it is to run a business.
- 3. He dodged the question by changing the topic.
- 4. Our grandparents have experienced war firsthand.
- 5. We had to dodge through the crowd to get out of the train station.
- 6. I want to study abroad so I can learn about other cultures firsthand.
- 7. I believe that firsthand experience is one of the best ways to learn.
8. Write about yourself
- I’ve always wanted to ___________________.
(以前からずっと〜したいと思っています。) - My relatives live ___________________.
(私の親戚は〜に住んでいます。) - ___________________ is my top priority now.
(〜は、私が今一番優先していることです。) - I’ve experienced ___________________ firsthand.
- 1. learn how to cook
- 和訳1. (私は以前からずっと料理を学びたいと思っています。)
- 2. in Arizona
- 和訳2. (私の親戚はアリゾナ州に住んでいます。)
- 3. Completing this course
- 和訳3. (このコースを終了させることが、私が今一番優先していることです。)
- 4. living in the countryside of Japan
- 和訳4. (私は日本の田舎暮らしを実際に経験しました。)
9. Let’s have a conversation!

1. What is something you’ve always wanted to do?


2. What is your top priority now?


3. What have you experienced firsthand?

- 1. I’ve always wanted to learn how to cook.
(私は以前からずっと料理を学びたいと思っています。) - 2. Completing this course is my priority now.
(このコースを終了させることが、私が今一番優先していることです。) - 3. I’ve experienced living in the countryside of Japan firsthand.